Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Rone 2018 - Doors Gateways

Photos of Doors, Gateways from ROME 2018
Castel St Angeloca ROME

Corsini Gallery

Corsini Gallery

Corsini Gallery

Corsini Gallery ROME

Corsini gallery ROME 

Gallery SPADA Rome

Villa Giulia, ROME

A Gate opp Villa Giulia, ROME

Villa Giulia, ROME

Villa Giulia, ROME

Villa Giulia, ROME

Villa Giulia, ROME

Opp Villa Giulia, ROME

Barberini Palace / Gallery ROME

Above photos from Barberini Gallery, ROME 2018


Colonna Palace

Photos Rome 2018

castel san Angelico\\

Spada Gallery

Friday, October 12, 2018

Mona 4 Images

 François-Xavier Fabre : The Judgment of Paris 

Roman Sarcophagus with triumph of Dionysos


Luca_Giordano Judgment of Paris

Rubens : Venus at a Mirror

Titian :  Sacred and Profane Love

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Mona 4

चित्र १.  Willian Smith  Campfire 

Hubert Robert


François Girardon,   Thomas Regnaudin,  Gaspard and Balthasar] Marsy. 

Jacques-Louis David: Mars Disarmed by Venus and the Three Graces

चित्रकार: : Hans_Rottenhammer_-_Feast_of_the_God

Cavalier d'Arpino  -Diana_and_Actae

Louis-Jean-Francois-Lagrenee- --Pygmalion-and-Galatea-

Marcantonio Franceschini - Birth of Apollo and Diana

 Bronzino : venus cupid

_Gabriël_Metsu : 
